About us.

Ronn, ChurchKlap, and Mike grew up in different locations, went to different schools, and came from different backgrounds. However, they share one thing in common — being raised in the Apostolic faith.

Ronn and her younger brother personifying “pew babies.”

Ronn and her younger brother personifying “pew babies.”


Ronn lives, works, and podcasts from Wilmington, Delaware. She enjoys reading, journaling and watching Korean dramas.

Contact Ronn for more info.

Klap staying worship-ready.

Klap staying worship-ready.


ChurchKlap is a PG county native. She enjoys making beats, eating sushi, and graphic designing in her free time.

Contact Klap for more info.

Mike sporting his Sunday Best.

Mike sporting his Sunday Best.


Michael is a native of North Carolina. In his spare time, Mike enjoys curating custom garments, discovering new music, and spending time with family and friends.

Contact Mike for more info.


First, giving honor to God, who is the head of our lives. Without Him, we are nothing.

Thank you to Ronn and Mica Lapri Williams for co-writing and arranging our theme song, “I’m a Pew Baby.”

Many thanks to Jocelyn Boone, Dennis Jordan Ridley, Miya Jackson, and Mica Lapri Williams for providing their lovely vocals.

We cannot forget to thank Klap for our musical arrangement. It’s a bop.

Finally, give yourself a hand. Thank you for listening to and supporting Pew Babies!